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Floor distribution boards (interfloor)

Floor distribution boards for accomodation buildings of ЩЭ series are designed for distribution and metering of electricity with a voltage of 220V, protection of lines during overloads and against short-circuit currents in three-phase networks with a voltage of 380 / 220V, installation of telephone, television and radio broadcasting network devices. ShchE (ЩЭ) series boards are installed on the landings of accomodation buildings in a special niche, the dimensions of which determine the overall dimensions of the floor board itself. They can be installed in mass or individual multicompartment building, as well as in private houses, cottages, etc.
С обратной стороны к отбортовке привариваются распорочные дуги для крепления этажника в нишу. Крепление щита этажного выполняется с помощью распорочных болтов либо с помощью распорочных закладных ушей. В целях предотвращения проникновения по желанию заказчика могут быть установлены антивандальные пластины. Окрашены щиты порошковой краской цвета RAL7035 Цена щитов этажных рассчитывается индивидуально, и зависит от габаритных размеров щита, а также от количества устанавливаемых в него автоматов и счетчиков.If necessary, our engineers are ready to go to the construction site in order to measure the niche for them.
Boards can be manufactured both with automatic distribution switches and meters or with incoming switches without meters and automatic distribution switches. They can be of recessed (built into a niche) and wall-mounted type, of two, three or four apartments. Shields are manufactured in accordance with GOST R 51321.1-2000 and TR 3430-003-56374020-2002.